A tumor landscape effect in tenosynovial giant cell tumor from activation of CSF1 expression by a translocation in a minority of tumor cells

Robert B. West, Brian P. Rubin, Melinda A. Miller, Subbaya Subramanian, Gulsah Kaygusuz, Kelli Montgomery, Shirley Zhu, Robert J. Marinelli, Alessandro De Luca, Erin Downs-Kelly, John R. Goldblum, Christopher L. Corless, Patrick O. Brown, C. Blake Gilks, Torsten O. Nielsen, David Huntsman, Matt van de Rijn

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CaseXplorer is a web server application that allows the exploration of large bodies of tissue expression data generated by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization experiments using a Web Browser program as it's interface. CaseXplorer has evolved from GeneXplorer.

GeneXplorer is a web server application that allows the exploration of large bodies of gene expression data generated by DNA microarray experiments using a Web Browser program as it's interface.

The data is displayed in a "Radar" view on the left, and a "Zoom" view on the right. The "Radar" gives an overview of the general patterns observable in the expression data after it has been submitted to a clustering procedure. This clustering process reorders the data by similarity and was recently described by Eisen et al. (1998).

By clicking on a region of interest in the "Radar" view, a regional enlargement will be displayed in the "Zoom" view. Here the names of genes are visible, including links to the SOURCE project at Stanford.

Follow this link (or click on the image) to explore details of the tissue array expression heatmap for CSF1 antisense ISH and CSF1R antisense ISH (opens a new window):

Supplemental Figure 5. Tissue Microarray expression data.

Follow this link (or click on the image) to explore details of the gene expression heatmap (opens a new window):

Supplemental Figure 6. Gene Microarray expression data.

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