A tumor landscape effect in tenosynovial giant cell tumor from activation of CSF1 expression by a translocation in a minority of tumor cells

Robert B. West, Brian P. Rubin, Melinda A. Miller, Subbaya Subramanian, Gulsah Kaygusuz, Kelli Montgomery, Shirley Zhu, Robert J. Marinelli, Alessandro De Luca, Erin Downs-Kelly, John R. Goldblum, Christopher L. Corless, Patrick O. Brown, C. Blake Gilks, Torsten O. Nielsen, David Huntsman, Matt van de Rijn

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Robert B. West Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Brian P. Rubin Department of Anatomic Pathology
University of Washington Medical Center
Melinda A. Miller Department of Pathology and
Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre
British Columbia Cancer Agency
Subbaya Subramanian Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Gulsah Kaygusuz Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Kelli Montgomery Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Shirley Zhu Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Robert J. Marinelli Department of Biochemistry
Stanford University Medical Center
Alessandro De Luca Department of Pathology and
Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre
British Columbia Cancer Agency
Erin Downs-Kelly Department of Anatomic Pathology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
John R. Goldblum Department of Anatomic Pathology Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Christopher L. Corless Department of Pathology, Oregon Health and Science University Cancer Institute
Patrick O. Brown Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University Medical Center
C. Blake Gilks Department of Pathology and
Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre
British Columbia Cancer Agency
Torsten O. Nielsen Department of Pathology and
Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre
British Columbia Cancer Agency
David Huntsman *
Corresponding Author
Department of Pathology and
Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre
British Columbia Cancer Agency
Matt van de Rijn *
Corresponding Author
Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
* Note: These authors contributed equally to the manuscript.

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