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Chih Long Liu

Deconvoluter Manual Operation

Additional features of the TMA Deconvoluter

Note: manual operation is recommended only for users who are familiar with the TMA-Deconvoluter.

While automatic operation of the TMA Deconvoluter for this system is sufficient for many users, it is possible to run the TMA Deconvoluter manually for increased flexibility. When automatic operation is selected (by choosing one of the two output options and then clicking "Run Deconvoluter", the following is performed:

  1. The raw scoring workbooks are deconvoluted and outputted to a new worksheet in the TMA Deconvoluter, based on the output option selected.
  2. The scores in each output worksheet is converted to new scores, based on the output option.
  3. Each worksheet is output to a text file and saved.

Manual operation entails running each of these steps separately, and the user may choose not to run all of these steps. This added flexibility is helpful -- for example, the user may choose to:

  • keep the scores unchanged, skipping step 2
  • not output any files, skipping step 3
  • perform other data manipulations following deconvolution in step 1 prior to outputting to files.

To perform manual operations, select the "Run deconvoluter manually" option, as shown below:

Run deconvoluter manually

In this state, the Deconvoluter will, by default, output in a format ready for K-M (or other) analysis. To output in cluster-ready format, check the corresponding option, as shown above. You will notice that this checkbox option is now enabled while the Deconvoluter is in manual mode.

Proceed as you would for normal operation in running the Deconvoluter. You will notice, however, that clicking on "Run Deconvoluter" will run only the Deconvolution step. To execute the other steps, click on one of the manual operation buttons, as shown below:

Operation Buttons

  • Convert Score -- Using the Score Conversion Utility, the scores are converted based on user settings.
  • Transpose -- transpose the data by swapping the x and y-axis. Note: Because fo Excel's 256-column limit, it is highly inadvisable to perform transposition on a data set that contains more than 250 cases.
  • Output files -- output the data from the output worksheets in the TMA-Deconvoluter to text tab-delimited files.

These operations can be performed in any order (after deconvolution), but the user should know what (s)he is doing to the data.

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Last edited by Chih Long Liu on November 18, 2008 anno Domini