Coordinate Expression of Colony-Stimulating Factor-1 and Colony-Stimulating Factor-1-Related Proteins Is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Gynecological and Nongynecological Leiomyosarcoma

Inigo Espinosa, Andrew H Beck, Cheng-Han Lee, Shirley Zhu, Kelli Montgomery, Robert J Marinelli, Kirsten N Ganjoo, Torsten O Nielsen, C Blake Gilks, Robert B West and Matt van de Rijn

American Journal of Pathology, doi:10.2353/ajpath.2009.081037

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Inigo Espinosa Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Andrew H Beck Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Cheng-Han Lee Department of Pathology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada/td>
Shirley Zhu Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Kelli D Montgomery Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Robert J Marinelli Department of Biochemistry
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, California
Kirsten N Ganjoo Department of Clinical Oncology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Torsten O Nielsen Department of Pathology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
C Blake Gilks Department of Pathology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Robert B West Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California
Matt van de Rijn
Corresponding Author
Department of Pathology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, California

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